Special News


Monday, June 1, 2015

Caitlyn Jenner's mama Said on Her New Look: 'She's Beautiful!'

As the world reacts to her life style cowl, maybe nobody is additional pleased with Caitlyn physician than her mama.

"She's beautiful!" Jenner's 88-year-old mother, Esther, told Access Hollywood on weekday.

The family matriarch was introduced to the lady erstwhile called Bruce physician before the magazine cowl was free. As she explains, "I was there last week, well truly,I got home a week and a half ago. And I met Caitlyn."

Esther says her 1st impression was that, "She is … most additional relaxed."

But that does not mean she's quite willing to give the name she gave her kid at birth.

"I still got to decision him Bruce. His father and that i named him that," Esther explained. "It's attending to be a struggle on behalf of me to urge wont to the modification, however gayly thus … i am terribly happy for him – or her!"

This is Caitlyn Jenner's Journey to Transition

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