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Friday, May 31, 2013

Six Reasons Men Has Affairs or Cheating

Cheating is beautiful, is'nt it?

Hi, kidding. Anyone who has ever had an affair certainly know that it sucks. Infidelity is not as beautiful as they say.

However, men still do it. Here is a list of "reasons" men has affair or cheat cheat:

6. Less sex.
Let's all be adults and agree that upon reaching a certain age, we are committed to someone because we really liked it - and needs appropriate means of social norms to sleep with her on a regular basis. I'm not trying to underestimate the moral and religious views of anyone related to this issue, and sex is not the most important part of a healthy relationship.

But sex is the biggest part, and as an adult sex too, which separates friendship from romance. If you are in a relationship that is emotionally satisfying but lacking in sexual terms, it is almost as frustrating to not have a relationship at all. Because men are reluctant to get involved talks tough or reluctant to let go of a relationship is not perfect, cheating is often seen as a way out.

5. They cheated.
If you sit at the high school or immature, it may very sensible. Lover betrayed you, but you too love that can not end your relationship, so you are also having an affair so even. It is a temptation for any man who is too weak or too in love to make a tough decision (but has never been proven in human history that hurt someone makes a better feeling).

And friends, this is advice from me: If cheating lover, maybe he already reached the point where when you reply, it will not be too hurt. In fact, the move will only reinforce feelings.

4. Want to know if they are still interesting.
Every person has a deep need to feel desired and attractive, not only by the couple, but also by others. That's why you dress up when going with a friend, or the reason women wear make-up when going shopping. Even a tiny bit of harmless flirting with the opposite sex could add an interesting zest in your step, and it does not matter, because your partner will probably reap the benefits.

However, for men who do not really believe in themselves, it is not enough. He had an affair in order to prove it. If you combine it with sexual anxiety devoid of No.. 6, it can be understood why some men fall into infidelity.

3. They can not say "no".
If you're honest, rarely beautiful women walking around showing off in front of us and laugh openly invite for sexual intercourse. However, I think most men have beautiful women who really tempting them. The way we handle it depends on several factors, relationship status has an important role. Single? Is very good. Not single? You should know the answer, but if you have had the willpower?

The kind of man who surrendered to the temptations of this kind are often inexperienced with women, and although he was involved with another person, he believed it was an opportunity he could not pass up. However, if you've been there once or twice, you will see such temptations as: abnormality, despair, and makes women unattractive.

2. Feel partner are not as attractive as before.
Sometimes, in the long-term relationship, people started to not care about his appearance. Might be gaining weight, or maybe he has a problem with booze or maybe he could not cope with the problem in general. Whatever it is, the problem with habits is that you are not aware that it happens over and over again, something that does not happen when shared with friends or relatives who you rarely encounter.

In contrast, all of a sudden, one day you wake up and realize that the creatures who live with you are very much different from the girl who had first received the sentence "I love you" of you. Once again, for some men, he must choose to engage in difficult discussions (likely not produce anything) or pursue a sexual relationship elsewhere.

1. There is no love.
It was a fun challenge if you are singles: Meet your ex which are no longer you love, and have sex with her. Not like it used to be, right? Love (or at least feeling), we learn as we get older, is an important part of what makes great sex to be amazing. Get rid of that feeling, and you two are just two animals having sex.

That is why one night stands are usually very annoying, and why have sex with former usually disappointing. When that happens, certainly tempting to replace the lost feeling of excitement that comes with meeting and sleeping with someone new. It is a poor substitute and, in the end, menuda unavoidable.

So, is this the reason? Explanation? Let's call them as rationalization, something between reasons and excuses. Anything a man says to himself (or partner) to justify his affair, he denies the simple fact that he was involved in something that was not wanted.

Cheating, above all, is dishonorable and cowardly act.

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